This page is for all the fabulous businesses for Alnwick and surrounding areas.
These businesses are highly recommended by Mind and Sole.

Alnwick Fear-Free Dog Training
Did you know that there is a new service in town for people with health conditions Or disabilities?
Kay Whiteley, of Alnwick Fear-Free Dog Training, has recently moved to our lovely town From Perth, Western Australia Where she founded and ran Western Australian assistance and Therapy Dogs Inc.
After initially training with Guide Dogs for the blind UK, Kay has developed her skills to work with dogs for people with health conditions as diverse as ASD, ADHD, PTSD, diabetes, epilepsy, narcolepsy, non-physically typical presentations and hearing loss. Her Therapy Dogs currently work in psycho-therapist offices, dentists, opticians, speech therapists, schools, libraries and universities.
Having already developed a good core base of pet dog training clients in and around Alnwick, Kay is slowly starting to build her Assistance and Therapy Dog practice supporting clients to train their own pet dogs through to public access standard.
Kay’s kind, supportive and caring training style for both dog and handler mean that even the most anxious of clients usually feel comfortable working with her very quickly. She has a level of patience that comes from 30 years of working within the disability sector and vast experience at modifying sessions quickly to individually clients needs.
If you are interested in finding more information, we are inviting Kay to come to the hub and deliver an informational (date TBC)
You can Contact Kay by following her links below.

Tiny Talk Northumberland to the Scottish borders
My name is Louise and I am your local TinyTalk teacher!
TinyTalk baby signing classes are suitable from birth - 2 years old.
They are fun and relaxed and are 1 hour long.
The first 1/2 hour is where we learn that week's core signs through singing nursery rhymes and stimulating the babies with some sensory equipment such as voile scarves, bubbles and mirrors.
The second 1/2 hour is a social time for you to chat and have a refreshment and a biscuit while the babies play with small toys. Learn to communicate with your baby before they can speak, at an award-winning TinyTalk baby signing class.
Our quality classes continue to develop your child’s communication skills whilst you're having a brilliant time together.
Website: www.tinytalk.co.uk/louisestanfield
Facebook: TinyTalkNorthNorthumberlandtoScottishBorders
Instagram: tinytalk.northnorthumberland
Email : louises@tinytalk.co.uk
Phone/whatsapp: 07502477734